For the past couple of months, I have been working on a chakra meditation, seeking to open and balance the chakras as a set of energies that flow and interact with one another as a whole. I wanted to explore a “whole healing” in my meditation practice, rather than focusing on one sensation, visualization, or idea. This came to me rather intuitively in my personal practice and I have spent several lovely hours honing it to my liking. I have experienced powerful results each time, regardless of how many cycles of it I completed in each sitting. Although I recommend at least ten cycles per sitting, which should take at least thirty minutes, consider practicing it just once if you need a quick re-centering during a busy day. This practice is especially helpful for those times when you simply feel “off” but cannot pinpoint a specific chakra blockage, or if you are just seeking to reconnect and re-balance yourself more fully. I also recommend repeated practice in order to increase the natural, graceful, flow-like motion between each mudra that can only happen with repetition.
Begin by finding a comfortable seated position where you can stay for several minutes without discomfort. I practice in easy pose seated on a a rug or small cushion on the floor. Find symmetry by making sure your sit bones are both touching your seat evenly, your spine is straight, and your chin is gently tucked, with the crown of your head reaching for the sky. Slow and lengthen your breaths, but do not force your breathing; allow your breath to breathe you. Do a brief body scan to relax tension and become centered.
Place both hands on your tailbone, palms in and fingers pointing down, and put a gentle pressure on your lower back. Envision a red glowing light in your root chakra, under your fingers, and repeat to yourself, as many times as you like;
“I am rooted and grounded into the Earth. I am safe and secure. I live in harmony with nature. I am held. I am a physical body experiencing physical sensations, as do all beings on Earth.”

In a flow-like motion, move your hands around to the front of your body, and place them on your pelvis in Trimurta Mudra, with the palms inward and your forefingers and thumbs touching to make a triangular shape. Envision an orange glowing light on your sacral chakra between your hips and and repeat to yourself;
“I am a sexual and sensual being. I am creative and authentic. I hold within me the ability to create life. This body was made to feel pleasure and experience joy.”

Slowly and gracefully arrange your hands into Shiva Linga Mudra, with the right hand in a thumbs up, resting in the cupped left hand, and place this sign against your solar plexus, the soft upper belly where the rib cage begins. As you hold gentle pressure here, envision a bright yellow flame in your solar plexus, inhale to widen the rib cage and repeat to yourself;
“I am strong and powerful. My energy is infinite. I believe in myself and know that I am capable and worthy. I am confident in my own abilities, and I honor the power within myself.”

Let your hands float up to your heart chakra and take Anjali Mudra, with the palms together in prayer in front of the heart. Envision a beautiful, deep green glowing ball of energy in the center of your chest. Inhale and repeat lovingly to yourself;
“I breathe in love and I breathe out love. I feel compassion for myself and all other living creatures. I forgive myself and all others. I am an infinite source of tenderness and warmth. I am cared for and I am precious.”

Raise your hands to float in front of your throat and bring them into Garuda Mudra. Cross your wrists and hook your thumbs together to cup the air in front of your throat, jaw, and ears with your open fingers. Envision a beautiful deep blue glowing energy encompassing your throat. Slightly lift your chin and inhale, then repeat these affirmations to yourself;
“I am honest and communicate clearly. I speak my truth freely and openly. I advocate for myself. I listen to my inner voice, and I listen to others so that I may learn from them. My words are powerful.”
Gracefully raise your hands to your third eye chakra, and return to Anjali Mudra, with your palms together only this time with your thumbs extended and resting gently on your forehead between your eyebrows. Hold your thumbs there and envision a bright violet light swirling in your forehead. Inhale and say to yourself;
“I see the world for what it is rather than how I wish it to be. I think clearly. I am wise and intuitive. My imagination is vivid and powerful. I choose to tap into my inner wisdom. My thoughts create my world.”

Lastly, bring Kali Mudra up over your head, palms together, forefingers extended upward, thumbs crossed, and the last three fingers folded down. Let your hands hover strongly in the air above the crown of your head, your elbows wide. Envision your crown chakra becoming a radiant white beam of light that connects the top of your scalp to the universe above. As you allow this warm white energy to enter your body, repeat these affirmations to yourself;
“I am protected, inspired, and guided by the universe. I am a divine spiritual being and I honor my sacred inner power. The light of the universe flows through me and connects me with all that it. I am nothing. I am everything.”
Slowly and gracefully lower your arms and begin again at the root. Work your way through these as many times as you like, and with each cycle, allow the chakras to glow more brightly and become more interconnected, as if this energy can travel up and down your spinal column and through your crown up into the universe and back down again. Feel the flow of prana life force energy begin to move freely through you.
After you complete your final cycle, lower your hand to your lap or knees and sit in silence for several breaths experiencing the sensation of this energy flow. Express gratitude to yourself and to the universe for this experience before opening your eyes.